Surgeons, How’s Your Fiscal Health? Are You Under-Insured For Disability Insurance?

Vascular surgeons know they need excellent medical malpractice insurance. But how about disability insurance? SVS members just might be significantly under-insured, potentially impacting their lifestyles after a disability.

SVS’ Affinity Program of expanded benefits can connect members with individual disability plans with three companies – Principal Life Insurance Company, Securian, and Lloyd’s of London. These plans provide taxfree benefits, protecting hundreds of thousands of dollars – maybe even millions – in future tax-free benefits income.

‘Surgery Is Only Part of Our Story’ – Branding Initiative Takes Shape

After nearly a year of research, consultation and consideration, after hearing feedback from approximately 300 members on tone, approach and messaging, the Society for Vascular Surgery is about to begin implementing a branding campaign.

The SVS Executive Board approved referral communication planning and production in July. The Springboard consulting firm will test communications with referral sources and tweak as necessary. The campaign is expected to roll out in the spring, ahead of the 2020 Vascular Annual Meeting.

Your SVS: Meet SVS Officers

The Society for Vascular Surgery has new officers for the 2019-20 year, elected at the 2019 Vascular Annual Meeting.

New President Dr. Hodgson

Dr. Hodgson holds the David Sumner endowed chair in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Southern Illinois University and is medical director of the David S. Sumner Vascular Laboratory at Memorial Medical Center.

Trainees, Apply for Advocacy Scholarship and Learn How Government Impacts Practices

SVS trainees can “specialize” in more than just vascular surgery. Those interested in health policy can apply to spend a day in Washington to learn about issues that impact vascular surgery. The recipient will spend time on Capitol Hill and share with policymakers and their staff’s issues of concern for vascular surgeons and patients across the country.

SVS Creating Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Please Volunteer by Sept. 17

Volunteers are needed for a new SVS Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The SVS is seeking members with a desire to explore issues related to inequity in the field of vascular surgery. The task force will research inequities related to gender, race, ethnicity, age and sexual orientation and develop strategies to reduce identified inequities. SVS is well-poised for a proactive approach to identifying and working to improve environmental conditions that foster inequities within our specialty.