Visit, re-visit SVS ONLINE

By Beth Bales

There’s still time to view presentations from this past summer’s SVS ONLINE: “New Advances and Discoveries in Vascular Surgery,” held virtually from late June to early July. Credits for sessions that offer them are available through Oct. 31.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED; those who registered during or before the meeting do not need to register again. Separate registrations are required for the Society for Vascular Nursing’s annual conference and the Vascular Quality Initiative’s virtual meeting. Visit

Renewal reminder: 2021 SVS membership due by end of year

By Beth Bales

The end of the year is fast approaching, and SVS memberships are now up for 2021 renewals.

Dues invoices have been distributed to all members via email and must be paid by Dec. 31 to maintain SVS membership and access to the Journal of Vascular Surgery, JVS-Venous & Lymphatic Disorders and SVSConnect. Statements will be mailed in early November, for those who need hard-copy invoices.

SVS: Building bridges between twin tracks of academic and private practice

By Beth Bales

For Laurel Hadley Hastings, MD, membership in the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) provides a great collection of valuable benefits.

THEY INCLUDE AN ONGOING CONNECTION to academia and research, potential mentoring, interacting and working with more experienced surgeons and with leaders, camaraderie, the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS) publications that keep her up to date with the latest research and developments and the SVSConnect message board.

Coming up: VRIC and VAM 2021submission portals set to open

By Beth Bales

Abstracts for next year’s Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC) will be accepted beginning Nov. 3. VRIC 2021 is held the day before and in the same location as the American Heart Association’s “Vascular Discovery” scientific sessions. The meeting date and location will be announced soon.

Abstracts for both VRIC and Vascular Discovery will be accepted through Jan. 19, 2021. Registration for the two meetings will open Jan. 6, 2021.