Spotlight on Peripheral Artery Disease And Assessing Leg Pain

Society for Vascular Surgery: Know When to Contact Your Doctor About Leg Pain

ROSEMONT, Ill., Sept. 24, 2020 – It is natural to experience growing aches and pains with age – a tightness in your lower back after standing for long periods of time, a crick in the knee as you stand up or stiff ankles in the cold. But if you have persistent pain in the legs for no obvious reason, it is important to take it more seriously and notify your physician.

Dalman ponders challenges in year ahead

By Beth Bales

New SVS president Ronald L. Dalman, MD, has several initiatives he’d like to see move forward during the year of his presidency.

These include a number of areas members have found challenging. “We put together the Crawford Forum [E. Stanley Critical Issues Forum] to address these issues: valuation, branding, wellness and how they fit together. And we got lots of positive feedback,” he said.

PAD month, new app, membership dues

By Beth Bales

September is PAD Awareness Month, and the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has plenty of resources for its members.

And just now getting started is a pilot program for an SVS app for surgeons to use with their PAD patients undergoing Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET), a firstline therapy, carried out in hospitals and clinics with physicians “immediately available,” said SVS member Oliver Aalami, MD.

SVS Foundation makes structural changes to board make-up

By Beth Bales

The SVS Foundation Board of Directors has altered its infrastructure, including expanding the board and adding seats specifically for public members and changing the term of the Foundation chair to a three-year instead of a one-year term. Expanding the board provides for broader representation while the three-year term for the chair provides continuity, said Michel S. Makaroun, MD, whose term as chair ended in June.

SVS ONLINE 2020 meeting returns in series of recordings

By Beth Bales

Time marches on. Time heals all wounds. If I could turn back time.

All of these may be true—but in the case of the SVS ONLINE virtual meeting, people can turn back time, in a fashion. Registrants certainly can go back in time to see what they missed during SVS ONLINE: “New Advances and Discoveries in Vascular Surgery,” held virtually in June and July.

Local matters: Three community service honorees in profile

By Beth Bales

The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has honored three members in community practice for their leadership of patients and their local communities, as well as exemplary professional practice and leadership.

Recipients of the excellence in Community Service Award, in only its second year, must have a minimum of 20 years as a practicing vascular surgeon, five years of SVS membership and an impact on vascular care or community health.

This year’s awardees are Krishna Jain, MD, Russell Samson, MD, and William Shutze, MD.

Endovascular Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm is Superior to Open Repair: Propensity-Matched Analysis from the Vascular Quality Initiative

CHICAGO, Ill., August 24, 2020 – A large retrospective review of prospectively collected data from the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) reported in the August 2020 edition of the Journal of Vascular Surgery, suggested a more aggressive endovascular approach is warranted for patients presenting with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA). Researchers noted the jury is still out as to the most appropriate treatment for rAAA.